Quick Start

Quick Start

This guide will describe how to install an OccaSoftware product in Unity.

Unity supports two types of resources:

Assets are typically images, models, or audio files; Packages are typically code plug-ins.

OccaSoftware publishes both Assets and Packages. Unity projects are split in two folders: Assets and Packages. You must import Assets and Packages to the corresponding folder in your Unity project.

  • Import Assets to your Assets folder.
  • Import Packages to your Packages folder.

Import an Asset

This section details how to download and import an Asset from OccaSoftware.

  1. Identify the Asset you want in the Dashboard.
  2. Click the Download button.
  3. Extract the zip file.
  4. Import the contents to your Assets folder.

Import a Package

This section details how to download and import a Package using the zip file workflow.

  1. Identify the Package you want in the Dashboard.
  2. Click the Download button.
  3. Extract the zip file.
  4. Import the contents to your Packages folder.

Import a Package using the Package Manager (Advanced)

This section details how to download and import a Package using the Unity Package Manager.

You will use the Unity Package Manager (opens in a new tab) to load OccaSoftware packages from our Git repositories. (We host our Git repositories on Github (opens in a new tab).)

In this example, you will install Ninja. Ninja is a lightweight performance profiling widget. As an overview, you will need to take the following steps:

  1. Install Git and Git LFS.
  2. Install the Package.

1. Install Git and Git LFS

2. Install the Package

  1. In the Window menu, select Package Manager.
  2. In the toolbar, click +.
  3. In the dropdown menu, select Add package from git URL.
  4. Enter the Git URL. In this case, type https://github.com/OccaSoftware/ninja.git.
  5. Click Add.

Unity will import the Package and execute a Domain Reload. Once Unity finishes, you will see the new Package, Ninja, in your Packages folder.

Unity may encounter an issue when importing the Package. If a problem occurs, try to Troubleshoot your issue.

Additional Package Features

Packages offer additional features beyond Assets. For example, you can specify Package versions in your Project Manifest (opens in a new tab).

Understand the Project Manifest

Unity uses the Project Manifest to list and load Project Dependencies. A Package is a Project Dependency. If you add a Package to the Project Manifest, Unity will import that Package to your Project for you.

The Project Manifest stores the list of Project Dependencies as key-value pairs in a json file.

  "dependencies": {

Use the Project Manifest

To add a Package to the Project Manifest, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Navigate to your Packages folder in your file browser.
  2. Open the manifest json file.
  3. Add the Package name and URL as a key-value pair in the manifest dependencies.

For example, you want to add Ninja to your Project Manifest. The Package Name and URL for Ninja are as follows:

  • Package Name: com.occasoftware.ninja
  • Package URL: https://github.com/OccaSoftware/ninja.git

To add Ninja, you update your Project Manifest with the key-value pair in the dependencies list.

"com.occasoftware.ninja": "https://github.com/OccaSoftware/ninja.git"

Specify a package version

To declare a specific package version that you want the Package Manager to clone, add the revision prefixed by the number sign (#) at the end of the URL:

"com.occasoftware.ninja": "https://github.com/OccaSoftware/ninja.git#1.1.0"


If Unity wasn’t able to install the package, the Unity Console will display an error message.

  • No ‘git’ executable was found
  • git-lfs: command not found
  • Repository not found
  • Could not read Username: terminal prompts disabled

For directions on how to resolve Package import issues, review Unity's documentation on UPM Errors (opens in a new tab).