Event Providers
Altos currently includes three event providers so that you can trigger time of day-related events.
public event Action OnPeriodChanged
public event Action OnDayChanged
public event Action OnHourChanged
Here is an example of using a script to subscribe to and trigger events from these callbacks:
using UnityEngine;
using OccaSoftware.Altos.Runtime;
namespace OccaSoftware.Altos.Demo
public class TimeOfDayCallbacksDemo : MonoBehaviour
AltosSkyDirector skyDirector;
private void OnEnable()
skyDirector = FindObjectOfType<AltosSkyDirector>();
skyDirector.skyDefinition.OnDayChanged += OnDayChanged;
skyDirector.skyDefinition.OnHourChanged += OnHourChanged;
skyDirector.skyDefinition.OnPeriodChanged += OnPeriodChanged;
void OnDayChanged()
Debug.Log("The current day has changed.");
void OnHourChanged()
Debug.Log("The current hour has changed.");
void OnPeriodChanged()
Debug.Log("The current period of day has changed.");
private void OnDisable()
skyDirector.skyDefinition.OnDayChanged -= OnDayChanged;
skyDirector.skyDefinition.OnHourChanged -= OnHourChanged;
skyDirector.skyDefinition.OnPeriodChanged -= OnPeriodChanged;