Crest Compatibility
Buto is compatible with Crest.
Include Buto
Include the URP and Buto helper functions in your Crest Ocean Shader.
- Open Crest Ocean Shader
- Find:
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
- Add:
#include "Packages/com.occasoftware.buto/Shaders/Resources/Buto.hlsl"
below it
Update Shader
Find: if (!underwater)
Replace with:
if (!underwater)
float2 screenPosition = GetNormalizedScreenSpaceUV(input.positionCS).xy;
float viewDistance = -TransformWorldToView(input.positionWS_fogFactor).z;
col.rgb = ButoFogBlend(screenPosition, viewDistance, col.rgb);
If you want to keep Unity's default fog as well, make sure you keep the MixFog function: col.rgb = MixFog(col, input.positionWS_fogFactor.w)
if (!underwater)
col.rgb = MixFog(col, input.positionWS_fogFactor.w);
float2 screenPosition = GetNormalizedScreenSpaceUV(input.positionCS).xy;
float viewDistance = -TransformWorldToView(input.positionWS_fogFactor).z;
col.rgb = ButoFogBlend(screenPosition, viewDistance, col.rgb);