Sky Objects

Sky Objects

You can render objects in your skybox using the sky object system.


To create a sky object:

  1. Make a new game object
  2. Add Component > OccaSoftware > Altos > Sky Object


You can preview the orbit of your sky object in your sky director gizmo.


TypeIf set to sun, this object will be used for cloud shadows and lighting
Angular Diameter DegreesThe angular diameter of the sky object in degrees
TextureTexture to apply to the sky object
Object colorTint for the sky object


Automatic ColorWhen enabled, the sky object's directional light color is set automatically
Automatic Color Curve AdjustmentAdjusts how the automatic color is set
Automatic Color Curve Base TemperatureMinimum color temperature in Kelvins
Automatic Color Curve Max TemperatureMaximum color temperature in Kelvins
Automatic BrightnessWhen enabled, the sky object's directional light brightness is set automatically
Automatic Intensity Curve AdjustmentAdjusts how the brightness is set
Peak IntensityMaximum light intensity
Lighting Color MaskTints the light color


Sort OrderObjects with a higher sort order render behind objects with a lower sort order
Orbit OffsetWhen an object has an orbit offset of 0, it will be at the peak of its orbit at 12:00. Use this value to offset the orbit.
Inclination OffsetWhen an object has an inclination offset of 0, it will peak directly overhead. Use this value to shift the orbit away from the center.
Orientation OffsetWhen an object has an orientation offset of 0, it will rise in the east and set in the west. Use this value to shift the orientation of orbit.
Position is staticWhen enabled, the object will ignore time of day changes.

Sky Influence

FalloffAffects intensity of sky lighting on skybox

Editor Properties

Handle ColorChanges the color of the handle in the Sky director gizmo