Lightning Events Documentation


The Lightning Events module introduces two fundamental classes, BoltEvent and StrikeEvent.

These classes represent lightning-related events within the Altos Lightning System. These classes encapsulate information about lightning bolts and strikes.

Additionally, the LightningEventDispatcher class provides a centralized mechanism for dispatching and handling these events.

BoltEvent and StrikeEvent Classes


  • Description: Represents an event related to the generation of a lightning bolt.
  • Properties:
    • position: The position in the world space where the lightning bolt was generated.
    • bolt: The LightningBoltStrategy instance associated with the event.


  • Description: Represents an event related to a lightning strike.
  • Properties:
    • position: The position in the world space where the lightning strike occurred.
    • attractor: The LightningAttractorStrategy instance responsible for attracting the lightning bolt.
    • boltEvent: The associated BoltEvent providing information about the generated lightning bolt.


LightningEventDispatcher Class


The LightningEventDispatcher class acts as a centralized hub for dispatching and handling lightning-related events. It supports both traditional C# events and Unity events.


  • OnBolt

    • Type: Action<BoltEvent>
    • Description: Invoked when a bolt event occurs.
  • OnStrike

    • Type: Action<StrikeEvent>
    • Description: Invoked when a strike event occurs.
  • OnBoltUnityEvent

    • Type: UnityEvent<BoltEvent>
    • Description: A Unity Event version of the OnBolt event.
  • OnStrikeUnityEvent

    • Type: UnityEvent<StrikeEvent>
    • Description: A Unity Event version of the OnStrike event.


  • DispatchBoltEvent(BoltEvent boltEvent)

    • Description: Dispatches a bolt event, triggering any subscribed methods or Unity events.
  • DispatchStrikeEvent(StrikeEvent strikeEvent)

    • Description: Dispatches a strike event, triggering any subscribed methods or Unity events.

Example Implementation

using UnityEngine;
using OccaSoftware.Altos.Runtime;
public class ExampleEventListener : MonoBehaviour
    private void OnEnable()
        // Subscribe to the OnBolt event
        LightningEventDispatcher.OnBolt += OnBoltEventHandler;
        // Subscribe to the OnStrike event
        LightningEventDispatcher.OnStrike += OnStrikeEventHandler;
    private void OnDisable()
        // Unsubscribe from the events to avoid memory leaks
        LightningEventDispatcher.OnBolt -= OnBoltEventHandler;
        LightningEventDispatcher.OnStrike -= OnStrikeEventHandler;
    private void OnBoltEventHandler(BoltEvent boltEvent)
        // Handle the bolt event
        Debug.Log($"Bolt generated at {boltEvent.position}");
    private void OnStrikeEventHandler(StrikeEvent strikeEvent)
        // Handle the strike event
        Debug.Log($"Strike occurred at {strikeEvent.position} by {}");

This example demonstrates how to subscribe to and handle the OnBolt and OnStrike events using the LightningEventDispatcher. Events provide a flexible way to react to lightning-related occurrences within your Unity projects.