Visual Effects

Visual Effects

Altos includes ambient visual effects.

To render transparent materials behind clouds, see the pre-transparency pass section of our getting started doc.

  • Auroras
  • Shooting Stars
  • Comets
  • Rain
  • Snow
  • Lightning

This section will give an overview on usage.

Rain and Snow

Rain and Snow are weather effects.

Weather Effects are integrated with the Altos precipitation system. When it rains, the WeatherEffect component will automatically set the altos_PrecipitationAmount property in the Visual Effect.

Weather Effects are integrated with the Wind Zone system. When you have an Altos Wind Zone enabled, the Weather Effect will receive the wind.


Auroras are placeable meshes. They are integrated with the Altos day-night cycle.

Comets and Shooting Stars

Comets and Shooting Stars are world-space VFX. They are integrated with the Altos day-night cycle. Position and configure them like any Visual Effect graph asset.


Lighting is a world-space VFX, but it is integrated with the Altos cloud system. When a lightning effect is spawned, the lightning VFX also illuminates the clouds. This uses the VFX Lightning Effect Spawner system.

Otherwise, configure the lightning like any other Visual Effect graph asset.