Managing time
The Sky Definition controls the time options for your project. To set the start time when you hit play, configure the Initial Time
. To set the current time during gameplay, set the Current Time
Altos moves the time forward each frame. To set the rate of time, configure the Day-Night Cycle Duration
. This value is set in hours. To make your day-night cycle take 1 real-world hour, set the day-night cycle duration to a value of 1.
All time properties and methods are in the Sky Definition. To access the Sky Definition, get a reference to the Sky Director, then access the Sky Definition.
SkyDefinition skyDefinition = AltosSkyDirector.Instance.skyDefinition;
Getting the time
To get the current day time, call CurrentTime
, CurrentTime01
, or CurrentDay
getter like
float currentTime = AltosSkyDirector.Instance.skyDefinition.CurrentTime;
float currentTime01 = AltosSkyDirector.Instance.skyDefinition.CurrentTime01;
int currentDay = AltosSkyDirector.Instance.skyDefinition.CurrentDay;
/// <summary>
/// Represents the current in-game time. A function of the initial time of day and the day-night cycle duration.
/// <br>Range: [0, 24]</br>
/// </summary>
public float CurrentTime
get => timeSystem % 24;
/// <summary>
/// Represents the current in-game time as a percentage between 0 and 1.
/// </summary>
public float CurrentTime01
get => CurrentTime / 24f;
/// <summary>
/// Represents the number of 24-hour periods (in Altos time) elapsed from a timeSystem value of 0.
/// </summary>
public int CurrentDay
get => (int)timeSystem / 24;
Setting the time
To set the current time, call SetSystemTime
or SetDayAndTime
To set the time to 1 day and 12 hours, call these methods like this:
AltosSkyDirector.Instance.skyDefinition.SetDayAndTime(1, 12f);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the system time directly. The system time is continuous and includes the day count (i.e., 1 day + 12h = 36).
/// </summary>
public void SetSystemTime(float timeSystem)
this.timeSystem = timeSystem;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the current day and time of day directly. Time will be wrapped in the range [0, 24]. Day has a min value of 0.
/// </summary>
public void SetDayAndTime(int day, float time)
timeSystem = (Mathf.Max(0, day) * 24) + (time % 24);