Managing Time

Managing time


The Sky Definition controls the time options for your project. To set the start time when you hit play, configure the Initial Time. To set the current time during gameplay, set the Current Time.

Altos moves the time forward each frame. To set the rate of time, configure the Day-Night Cycle Duration. This value is set in hours. To make your day-night cycle take 1 real-world hour, set the day-night cycle duration to a value of 1.


All time properties and methods are in the Sky Definition. To access the Sky Definition, get a reference to the Sky Director, then access the Sky Definition.

SkyDefinition skyDefinition = AltosSkyDirector.Instance.skyDefinition;

Getting the time

To get the current day time, call CurrentTime, CurrentTime01, or CurrentDay getter like

float currentTime = AltosSkyDirector.Instance.skyDefinition.CurrentTime;
float currentTime01 = AltosSkyDirector.Instance.skyDefinition.CurrentTime01;
int currentDay = AltosSkyDirector.Instance.skyDefinition.CurrentDay;
/// <summary>
/// Represents the current in-game time. A function of the initial time of day and the day-night cycle duration.
/// <br>Range: [0, 24]</br>
/// </summary>
public float CurrentTime
    get => timeSystem % 24;
/// <summary>
/// Represents the current in-game time as a percentage between 0 and 1.
/// </summary>
public float CurrentTime01
    get => CurrentTime / 24f;
/// <summary>
/// Represents the number of 24-hour periods (in Altos time) elapsed from a timeSystem value of 0.
/// </summary>
public int CurrentDay
    get => (int)timeSystem / 24;

Setting the time

To set the current time, call SetSystemTime or SetDayAndTime.

To set the time to 1 day and 12 hours, call these methods like this:

AltosSkyDirector.Instance.skyDefinition.SetDayAndTime(1, 12f);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the system time directly. The system time is continuous and includes the day count (i.e., 1 day + 12h = 36).
/// </summary>
public void SetSystemTime(float timeSystem)
    this.timeSystem = timeSystem;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the current day and time of day directly. Time will be wrapped in the range [0, 24]. Day has a min value of 0.
/// </summary>
public void SetDayAndTime(int day, float time)
    timeSystem = (Mathf.Max(0, day) * 24) + (time % 24);