Get Started

Quick Start

In this quick start, I will walk you through an example to set up script using this package.

When you instantiate a bullet, the bullet's transform will follow the path of the simulated trajectory. This component will write a debug log when it hits a collider in the path.

Set up your bullet

  1. Create a new empty Game Object. Call it Bullet.
  2. Create a script and attach it to your Bullet. Call this script BulletManager.
using UnityEngine;
private class BulletManager : MonoBehaviour

Initial Configuration

  1. Add a using declaration at the top of the script.
  2. Change the inheritance for BulletManager from MonoBehaviour to BallisticsProjectile.
using UnityEngine;
using OccaSoftware.Ballistics.Runtime
private class BulletManager : BallisticsProjectile

Simulate the projectile

In your Start method, call the Projectile.SetPositionAndDirection(Vector3 position, Vector3 direction) method, passing in the transform.position and transform.forward for the Bullet game object.

From the Start method, subscribe your GetSimResults method to the onBallisticsComplete callback by writing onBallisticsComplete += GetSimResults. Also, make sure you start the simulation by calling Simulate().

private void Start()
    Projectile.SetPositionAndDirection(transform.position, transform.forward);
    onBallisticsComplete += GetSimResults;
    Simulate(Projectile, Environment, SimulationConfig, onBallisticsComplete, onBallisticsUpdate);

Create a new method, call it private void GetSimResults(BallisticsHitData ballisticsHitData). Clean up after yourself in your GetSimResults method by unsubscribing from the callback and discarding the game object.

private void GetSimResults(BallisticsHitData ballisticsHitData)
        Debug.Log("Hit Something!");
    onBallisticsComplete -= GetSimResults;

Set your public fields

You need to create Projectile, Environment, and SimulationConfig assets, and then drag and drop these assets into the corresponding fields in the Bullet inspector window.

To create these assets: right click in project window, then choose:

  1. Create > Ballistics > Projectile
  2. Create > Ballistics > Environment
  3. Create > Ballistics > SimulationConfig

Final Component

using OccaSoftware.Ballistics.Runtime;
using UnityEngine;
private class BulletManager : BallisticsProjectile
    private void Start()
        Projectile.SetPositionAndDirection(transform.position, transform.forward);
        onBallisticsComplete += GetSimResults;
        Simulate(Projectile, Environment, SimulationConfig, onBallisticsComplete, onBallisticsUpdate);
    private void GetSimResults(BallisticsHitData ballisticsHitData)
            Debug.Log("Hit Something!");
        onBallisticsComplete -= GetSimResults;